This corner looks back on the nostalgic microcomputer and computer with photos.This time, we will cover the national MSX2 PC "FS-4500" that released the King Kong series in MSX.Released in 1986.
Due to the nature of the MSX PC, the maker was a machine that asked where to differentiate it.It was the same for MSX2 PCs, but the national "Walcon" released in the MSX1 era appeared as an MSX2 PC MSX2 machine, the same genre.
There are FS-4500, FS-4600F, and FS-4700 in the series, but this time we picked up the FS-4500.The body color is black and white, and the color of the keyboard is different accordingly.
今回使用したのはホワイトモデルです。キーボードの色に着目すると、ホームポジションや機能キーごとにグレーとホワイトに分かれているのがわかります。またワープロ・パソコンと言うことで、取消や実行といったガイドが見えるのも特徴です。Equipped with the standard MSX2 machine, RAM64KB and VRAM128KB.It has two cartridge slots and a 24x24 dot thermal transcription printer.In a unique place, there was a part where the keyboard array could be selected in the order of JIS or JIS standard in order of the JIS standard.
When the power is turned on, the screen is displayed while the printer head moves on the left and right as "gar, gar", and the menu screen appears.You can choose "1: Japanese word processor (30 characters) 2: English word processor (60 characters) 3: address book, business card book 4: BASIC", and the word processor program is named "MSX Warpro II".rice field.
Even after starting BASIC, you can start the warprog mode by inputting "Call JWP".In addition, if you switched the switch on the back, you could set up the built -in software.
本体右側面には、リセットボタンとジョイスティックポートが2つ、左側面には印刷濃度を調整するダイアルが用意されています。According to the advertisement, "I also had a thread -based conversion and learning function", but considering the background of the 1986 era, it is natural that conversion efficiency is not comparable to now, and converted to words rather than a phrase.It was the fastest to go.The learning function is to give priority to conversion candidates once used, and is not a wonderful thing, such as estimating from the front and rear clause as in modern times and displaying conversion candidates.Nevertheless, if you start a word processor, enter a letter, and print it from the printer, your parents' monitoring will be loosened (laughs), and it would definitely have been a perfect model for camouflage.
In the word prosmode, 30 characters x 4 lines were seen at once in Japanese text, and the overall layout was always displayed, so that the state at the time of printing was easy to create.In addition, if you use the built -in address book and business card management software, it is easy to print New Year's cards at the end of the year and give a summer visit in the summer.As the advertisement states, "Automatically prints the name in postcard mode."
広告では「ワープロ派のMSX2パソコン」「ビジュアル派のMSX2パソコン」というキャッチがうたれていました。In addition to the two cartridge slots, the price is equipped with a thermal transitional printer, so the price is 108,000 yen ( *).At the same time, there was no model with a built -in printer and almost the same price range, so this unit may have been the decisive factor in purchasing whether to use a printer.
By the way, if it was only the main unit, YAMAHA's YIS604/128 was 99,800 yen, Mitsubishi Electric's ML-G10 was 98,000 yen, Victor's HC-80 was 84,800 yen, and H3 H3 was 99,800 yen.
本体背面は左から、キーボードかな配列切り替えスイッチ、内蔵ソフトのオンオフ切り替えスイッチ、外部プリンタ接続ポート、内部/外部プリンタ切り替えスイッチ、CMT端子、音声出力端子、映像出力端子、チャンネル切り替えスイッチ、RF出力端子、RGB出力端子と並んでいます。※(9/4 01:05更新)記事初出時、FS-4500は3.5インチFDDを1基搭載されている記載しておりましたが、こちらは誤りで、実際には非搭載となります。お詫びして訂正いたします。