Beware of the keyboard application "Swiftkey" users!?Is it possible that input information is leaking via the cloud?

Beware of the keyboard application "Swiftkey" users!?Is it possible that input information is leaking via the cloud?

  • By
  • 08/06/2022

On your smartphone, you can install your favorite keyboard app, for example, in the case of Japanese, you can use wise Japanese conversion in Atok etc., or you can enter characters simply by tracing a popular keyboard in the West.Although it is very popular, the user's input information is displayed as a candidate for another user in the "Swiftkey" app that supports Japanese this time!

Is the problem bug with the "backup and synchronous" function?

The discovery of this time was posted on the Reddit thread, and the user with Swiftkey is displayed as a conversion candidate, or is inappropriate to view workplace.It seems that a search word related to pornography of the content was displayed!


In response to this matter, Swiftkey turned off the synchronization and backup function with the server on the server side.SwiftKey has already published this on the official blog, but according to it, "this problem is not a security problem that only has a small number of users and a password leakage."It seems that it will be quite distrustful as a user.

For users who use multiple devices, it is a seemingly convenient "synchronous backup" that shares predictive words, etc., but it may be better to turn it off once until the defect is corrected.Smartphone users, do you have any apps for keyboards?

Source: The Verge

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