I want to manage the prediction conversion that people do not want to see when inputting the keyboard on the iPhone

I want to manage the prediction conversion that people do not want to see when inputting the keyboard on the iPhone

  • By huawei-accessories.com
  • 17/06/2022

The iPhone keyboard (software keyboard) is equipped with an "predictive conversion function" that predicts what kind of words will be entered and displayed as a conversion candidate."Sales" is after the input of "Ei", and "Document" is displayed as a candidate around "Doki", so you do not have to enter the remaining characters.If you use the predictive conversion function well, you can significantly increase the input work.


This predictive conversion function learns the words (converted to kana or kanji) and the frequency of the input.As you enter the same word many times, it will be displayed in the top of the conversion candidate, which will improve the conversion efficiency.The above -mentioned "sales" will be displayed at the beginning of the candidate just by entering the first "E" as the input and confirmation repeatedly input.

However, the wisdom may backfire.Since the meaning of the word or the usage scene is not considered at all, it is displayed as embarrassing words when seen by others.For example, if someone can see where "gravure" is displayed at the top just by entering "G", it may seem like this person is searching for gravure photos if you have time.。

The content learned by the predictive conversion function can be erased by opening the screen in the order of "Settings" → "General" → "Reset", and tapping "Reset keyboard conversion learning", but specifying a specific word.You can not.This is the most reliable way to maintain dignity, if you can start over the predictive conversion learning from a clear state.

If you do not want to display only a specific word, repeatedly input and confirm the word that matches that word.For example, if you do not want to display "gravure", enter the appropriate words such as "Grunge", "Goods", and "Grapefruit" several times.Eventually, the "gravure" display priority will decrease, and it will not be displayed as a conversion candidate.

Easy explanation of the operation procedure