HUAWEI P9 is now trilingual!

HUAWEI P9 is now trilingual!

  • By
  • 30/03/2022

It's been more than half a year since I started using the HUAWEI P9. The HUAWEI Mate 9, which has evolved from a camera, has also been released, but I'm thinking of continuing to use the P9 for a while. Personally, I feel that the screen size of 5.2 inches is "just right", and it will be updated to Android 7.0 soon, and while doing so, will the HUAWEI P10 be announced? I also have unfounded expectations.

The HUAWEI P9 has become one of the representatives of last year, including being ranked first in the SIM-free model category of this magazine's "Mobile Phone of the Year 2016". For me, it was the most favorite model of the smartphones I bought on my own last year. But that doesn't mean I didn't feel dissatisfied at all. I was disappointed or disappointed.

I was most dissatisfied with the character input. Japanese input software called "iWnn" is initially installed on P9. It is a character input engine made by OMRON Software, and it can be said that it is one of the standard Japanese input engines for mobile phones and smartphones. However, the vocabulary is not so rich, there are times when I wonder "Why is this happening?" As a predictive conversion candidate, or I have to enter kanji idioms that seem easy one by one ... .. That's why I got "Google Japanese Input" from Google Play and decided to use it as the main.

I wanted to enter "color school" in iWnn, but ... If you input Google Japanese, "color school" is displayed with the highest priority, and there are many other candidates.

HUAWEI P9がトライリンガルになった!

In addition, I installed "Google Pinyin Input" to input Chinese. HUAWEI P9 is made by Huawei, which is headquartered in China. However, Chinese input software is not pre-installed on the model for Japan. I don't have many opportunities to enter emails in Chinese, but I searched maps, searched for smartphones in China, searched for songs on "Google Play Music", and learned Chinese. For those who have, if you can input Chinese smoothly, the usability of your smartphone will be greatly improved.

Google Pinyin Input is convenient to be able to input by handwriting It should be useful for map search when traveling to Taiwan

"Pinyin" in "Google Pinyin Input" is a pronunciation notation. If you compare it to Japanese, it's like Roman letters. This "Google Pinyin Input" can be input by handwriting or voice as well as by pinyin. For example, if you go on a trip to Taiwan and you can't read the name of your destination, you can enter it by hand and search the map. You can also ask the local people to read Chinese and input it by voice.

After installing "Google Japanese Input" and "Google Pinyin Input" on HUAWEI P9, I noticed a slight change. By default, "OK Google", which should have recognized only Japanese, now recognizes Chinese and English, and now answers in Chinese.

The iPhone "Siri" also supports multiple languages, but only one language can be used at a time, and the user must set it. However, "OK Google" seems to listen to the words spoken by the user and determine the language. If you say "I want to listen to music" in Japanese, you can start Google Play Music, but if you say "I want to listen to" Naminen "" in Chinese, I'm aiming for it. You can now play the music of. However, even if I said "I want to listen to music." In English, it did not become an operation command, it just performed a Google search.

When I opened the setting screen of Google voice input, as a result of asking the weather in Chinese, which was increasing the number of supported languages, when I asked in English, I could operate commands not only in Japanese displayed in Japanese but also in Chinese. became

The same goes for "Google Translate," which allows you to translate by simply holding the camera over, but the evolution of Google's language services is amazing. In the next few years, I expect that my smartphone will be an interpreter when I interview overseas.