Test Huawei without Google and search application Huawei search

Test Huawei without Google and search application Huawei search

  • By huawei-accessories.com
  • 25/05/2022

This article is an excerpt from the collaborative Technode "Tencent invests88million RMB to help with Covid-19research and medical care".

China's Tencent (Tencent) announced on February 26th that in order to support China's scientific research, public satellite investigation and medical treatment of the increasingly serious coronavirus infection, it has invested a total of 88 million yuan (about 1.36 billion yen) in countermeasure measures under the title of "infectious disease fighting package (war plague refueling bag)." He said that novel coronavirus's investigation and research, in particular, will provide long-term support with the aim of improving medical standards in the future.

Of the 88 million yuan, 30 million yuan (about 460 million yen) will be used for staff activities to provide medical treatment on the spot. Tencent Foundation (Tencent Charity Foundation) signed a business cooperation agreement with the Chinese Academy of Engineering on Feb. 26, aimed at educating health care workers who are expanding their medical care.

「脱Google」を進めるHuawei(華為)、検索アプリ「Huawei Search(華為搜索)」をテスト公開

According to the contract, the Chinese Academy of Engineering will establish a joint activity system among 500 selected health care workers and researchers. Under the system, the agency brings together wisdom in different areas such as respiratory and life-saving management, health management and infectious diseases to provide high-level guidance and medical technical training.

The remaining 60 million yuan (930 million yen) of the measure will be provided to medical staff for psychological support. Specifically, Tencent Foundation will donate 3 million yuan (about 46 million yen) to the School of Psychology of Beijing normal University, the Institute of Psychology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the nursing care of medical staff.

In addition, Tencent also said that it would form a fund called the Infectious Diseases fight Fund (Comprehensive Protection Fund against novel coronavirus's pneumonia, referred to as the War Plague Fund) to support research institutions that also carry out coronavirus research. For example, Tencent will set up big data AI laboratory with the medical team led by Zhong Nanshan, a well-known Chinese doctor, to conduct investigations and studies on epidemiological screening, AI medical images, epidemic prediction, and early warning.

This article is one of the "Tech for Good (Tech for Good)" series serialized by Technode on the coronavirus countermeasure contribution of Chinese science and technology enterprises.

[via TechNode] @ technodechina


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