How to post "Story" on Instagram | Easy to give!

How to post "Story" on Instagram | Easy to give!

  • By
  • 11/06/2022

I think that many people, such as some people who post a lot, and those who are specializing in accounts, are enjoying Instagram in various ways.

A function called a story has appeared on such Instagram.

Many people still think, "I don't know this well, but what is it?"

So, this time, I would like to explain how to use Instagram stories that you can't hear anymore, how to edit and process.If you have never used a story, please refer to it.


What is Instagram story?

An Instagram story is a function that allows you to post photos, videos, and comments that are deleted in 24 hours, unlike the normal function that posts photos and comments on the timeline.

Regarding the story, you can check who checked and how many people are checking.


Instagram is an SNS with the image of posting what it was in a day, rather than posting what you thought like Twitter.

For this reason, the frequency of posting is less than Twitter, and the content of each post tends to be strong, so many people hesitate to post trivial things.

Since it will be on the feed in the order of posted,

I think many people are worried.

The story can be used effectively.

The story is automatically deleted in 24 hours, so posting trivial things does not remain all the time, and you can post it more easily.

You may think that the story is a tool that plays a role like a so -called Twitter on Instagram.

You can see some special days and posts on the daily events in Instagram followers, but you don't want to see the story posted in your own mood and trivial things.Isn't there too?

Also, the Instagram itself can be locked, but the same is true.

You can decide and protect your privacy.

In addition, since the storage destination can be set to an archive or a camera roll, it is possible to save a post that thinks that it is inevitable to disappear in 24 hours.

How to post an Instagram story

First, I will explain the procedure from shooting to post.

The capture of the image uses the author, so it is partially processed.

I will explain each procedure in detail, so let's check each.

First, open the top screen of the Instagram and tap the profile (profile image) with the story at the top of the screen.

Normally, there are stories that have already been posted behind your profile painted as a story.

The story that has already been posted is for Instagram users who are following me.

The profile is displayed in the same way, so you can immediately see who the story is.

If you do not see it within 24 hours, it will disappear, so check it frequently.

As soon as the profile is tapped, the camera moves to the screen where the camera is started, so it is possible to take a picture or pull it out from the data of your smartphone itself.

Next, I will introduce how to shoot and select existing photos.

When you open the story, it switches to the camera mode.

This section describes the marks lined up in a row with white round marks.

If you introduce the first left end as the first,

One of the most notable among them is that you can choose the first existing photo.

This time, the existing photos are black, but in fact, the most recent photos are reflected there.

Until now, the story could not be used within 24 hours, but the existing photos could not be used, but the update can now be used for the story 24 hours before.

In other words, you can use your favorite photos for the story, even if you are not taken in real time.

Of course, you can also put the photographs as they are.

If you press and hold the shutter button, it will be a video shooting, so you should use it as needed.

Check the videos or photos taken and post them next.

The icon written "Stories" below the second + mark from the left at the bottom of the screen is the post button.

In addition, it is possible to press "Save" to add to the camera or album, or send it directly to the person shared from the contact.

It is also possible to add new effects or let characters with the three icons at the top right of the screen.

This screen will be the preview screen before posting, so be sure to check if there is any strange part on this screen before posting.

In the next chapter, we will introduce "How to edit and process Instagram stories".

How to use Instagram story editing / processing functions

Next, we will introduce how to edit and process Instagram stories.

By tapping three icons before posting, you can add various effects to photos or videos.

First, I will explain the left end icon in the upper right of the previous image in the previous chapter.

With this icon, various effects and tools such as stamps, questionnaires, and hashtags can be put into images.

In particular, what has recently been attracting attention is the feature of the icon that is also a new feature.

In the upper image, it is in the middle of the third stage.

This allows you to put a question box on the image posted in the story.

When you put the question box, a box that says "Do you have any questions?" Appears, where followers can freely write questions.

There are a variety of ways, such as posting posts to the story again, answering the question, and answering all the questions on the timeline.


There are some, so you can easily tell where and what you are doing.

There are a lot of fun functions, so please use it.

Next, it is a function that allows you to write letters by hand.This corresponds to the middle icon of the three icons.

As shown in the image, you can choose not only a pen but also a marker, so you can write characters with your fingers.

Depending on the smartphone model, the sensitivity is good or bad, so you may not be able to write well as you want.

If you find it difficult with your fingers, use a touch pen.


By the way, I wrote it on my iPhone 8, but I was able to write it with a handwriting that wouldn't change from the time when I usually write it with a pen if it was a certain large character.

Think of it as writing with your fingers because the pen of Purikura is gone.

You can choose the thinness of the pen tip, and as described above, there are quite a lot of variations, so you can color the image colorfully.

Handwriting has a different taste from the font that can be selected by character input, so if you want to write a simple word, please use it.

Finally, we will explain the typewriter at the right of the three icons.

Unlike handwriting, the typewriter allows you to paste the characters entered on the keyboard as it is.

The selection color variations are the same as handwriting and are very varied.

Regarding the font, tap the part that says "Typewriter" at the top of the image can change the size and font.

Also, if you tap the icon on the left from the center of the image written as a typewriter, you will be able to decorate characters such as underline.

The convenience of the typewriter is that even if you write a long sentence, it will be beautifully organized.

This can be quite difficult by hand.

In addition, if it is handwritten, it is difficult to read because the writer's habit comes out by all means, but if it is a typewriter, you can enter characters in a constant shape, so it can be easy to read.increase.

Even if you want to make it a character -only story, the typewriter may be quite useful.


How to use Instagram stories

Next, I will explain the various uses of the story.

This time, it is about the function under the shutter button on the story screen.

You can also write and post only characters.

Therefore, you can easily post just by muttering your mood and what you think like Twitter.

Tap the upper center of the screen, which is written as a "typewriter", allows you to change the atmosphere of characters such as neon.

Press the A+on the left to decorate the letters, such as attaching an underline.

Instagram has no muttering function like Twitter, but the story can be posted very easily and trivially due to the system that the posted in 24 hours disappears.

Because it disappears in 24 hours, there is an advantage that you can post with your mood at that time.

You don't have to worry too much because any content will disappear in 24 hours.

There is no need to choose an image if it is just a letter, and it may be easy to use for those who usually use Twitter.

In the next chapter, we will continue to introduce "How to use Instagram stories".

Live mode is a function that can be distributed live on Instagram as the name implies.

Notice about live posts, such as "Mr. XX has started live distribution," will reach the follower.

The icon on the left, which says "Start Live Video", can switch between the in -camera and the out camera.

And the icon on the right can add effects to the video.

In addition, the live mode has no 24 hours deadline and can only be watched in real time.

After the distribution, it will be deleted as it is, so you can see that it is quite far from the functions of other stories.

In live distribution, you can usually only add footprints in the story, but you can distribute while looking at the comments using the comment function.

Think of it as a twisting on Twitter, Nico Nico Distribution of Nico Nico Douga.

Therefore, you can distribute it as if you are chatting.

Of course, you can shrink the distance from followers, and it would be fun to gather with people with the same hobby and live live.

Boomerang is a loop video.

It is a function that connects and plays 10 continuous shooting in a short time, and then plays in reverse.

For example, if you take a photo you are walking in boomerang mode, you can create an infinite loop video that comes and go.

It may be interesting to shoot the moment you jump into the pool in boomerang mode.

In this way, a little video can be funny by using boomerang mode, so it is recommended to use it when you want to upload an interesting video.


It is a short video shooting function, and the screen zooms at once for a few seconds.

At that time, tap the icon on the shutter button to get the corresponding effect.

In the image below, I selected the heart.

Selecting a heart will give you such an effect.

It's very cute.

Isn't it recommended when you want to take a cute pet zoom video?


There are many interesting effects.

It may be suitable when you want to upload a little interesting video.

The focus mode has a function to focus on the subject, as the name implies.

The subject is for humans and animals, and is automatically focused on the subject by copying the face.

It is possible to take pictures such as "portrait" that blures the background, as well as shooting the subject clearly.

Speaking of portraits, it's a very popular shooting method among recent fashionable photos.

Of course, you can take a portrait -like photo on Instagram.

The good thing about the focus is that you can make a little photo look stylish.

The story disappears in 24 hours, so most people don't use such elaborate photos.

Focus can be easily made in a short time and fashionable, so it is recommended when you want to pull out a little but want to be aware of Instagram.

The reverse playback mode is a function that allows you to play videos taken by reverse playback.

It is interesting that the movement is reversed, but it is interesting even if the sound in the video is in reverse playback.

It may be good to find an empty ear word.

It is a function that can be useful when you want to take a little interesting video.

Use the Tory to post the trivial matter of everyday life!

Finally, I would like to summarize the benefits of the story.


The story is useful for many people because it can be posted more easily than the timeline.

The usage is very wide, so recently many people use the story than the timeline.

The story has the characteristic that it disappears in 24 hours, and it is a nice point that you can post whatever you like without hesitation.

Please use it by all means.
