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  • 29/04/2022

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1st Lens Support Edition ④ REPORT ◉ Yusuke Tamura

1st Lens Support Edition ①

1st Lens Support Edition ②

1st Lens Support Edition ③

Let's introduce the state when it was actually mounted at the end.

ZEISS Lightweight Zoom LWZ.3 21-100mm / T2.9-3.9 T *

The only mechanism is to first install a screw with a collar on the mount of the lens, and then slide the main body from the side to fit and tighten it. Thanks to this mechanism, it absorbs individual differences of the lens perfectly, and it fits very smoothly, so I sigh again here. This is a feeling that you can't really understand until you try it, so I definitely want you to experience it. Really ... huh ...

Another difference is that the rod is fixed in the horizontal direction with a knob. Actually, it's quite stiff, so you need a little pinch force with your thumb. It's pretty tough when you point your thumb at it (actual experience). However, once you get used to it, it is very easy to handle. In addition, since the knob tilts in both the front and back directions, it is a very conceived mechanism that the knob can be tilted in the direction of a wide empty space, such as when attaching a focus gear with a lens. It is a great help for the on-site setup.

First, Y-shaped support. It is natural, but it can be installed without any problems. Lock is enough.

And a screw lock. There is a little trick, after passing the main body through the extension of the lens once, it is a process of attaching the extension and dropping it down as it is and locking the rod on both sides, which puts a wasteful load on the lens mount. You will be able to set up properly without having to. Both the left and right sides of the rod can be fixed, but even though the rod will bend and absorb the tightening to some extent, be careful not to overtighten as long as the support is extended from one hole where the adjustment does not work very well.

This can also attack the standard cine zoom without any problems. Of course, be careful not to push it up too much.

The screw type is a trick, or because of the adjustable horizontal slide mentioned above, it is adjusted and tightened. The series of steps is very easy to do.

The knobs are also very easy to tighten and the support body is small, so it gives a very refreshing impression. You won't be too careful about overtightening. I would definitely recommend it to those who say that Gotegoterig is a little ...

No problem! Both left and right are fixed to the rod like ZACUTO. The support itself is not a screw lock type, so I think it's okay to tighten it to the extent that you don't say the rod.

SIGMA 18-35mm F1.8 DC HSM | Art

There is a limit due to the fineness.

ZACUTO (left) and SmallRig (right) have different mount points, but they are clear. Is RED a little tough?

BrightTangerine (left) is not possible because there is no Y-shaped setting in the first place. Unfortunately, Vocas (right) did not arrive ... This leads to the fact that it is better to prepare more extensions as mentioned above. However, EVA and FS are speculative, but I think they will reach the limit. Then, why don't you buy an extension for RED! That's the solution! (Power technique)


SIGMA 105mm F1.4 DG HSM | Art

With a tripod mount Arinashi. It is important to note here that if the angle can be changed slightly like a tripod mount, first set the rotation screw of the tripod mount to Yuruyuru. Otherwise, if the lens is tightened without the correct angle, a large load will be applied to the lens mount. Tighten the rotation screw lightly at the end.

If you look at the results so far, you can easily imagine it [without a tripod mount], but it is invalid.

In the case of [with tripod mount], the distance to the rod will be quite close, so if you attach the lens support upside down, it will work. First, tighten the screws on the tripod mount of Yuruyuru, adjust the angle, fit and fix.

In this state, the focus gear etc. can reach firmly, which makes it practical. Again, the mechanism by which the knob tilts back and forth is very useful.

[No tripod mount] But it reaches enough. As expected.

[With tripod mount] This is also upside down like Bright Tangerine, so there is no problem. The points to note are the same as those mentioned above. Considering the orientation of the ratchet, the gear can be installed without any problem.

Depending on the mount point, it feels like it will reach the limit.

Unfortunately, the screw type is not possible because it does not slip under the tripod mount no matter how hard you try. disappointing.

No question (omitted.

It's the content that should be talked about first, but it's important to be cool! Before I said that, I talked from the visible part, but the main subject is the main subject.

The lens support is an item that supports a large and heavy image lens so that the camera body and the lens, both mounts, are not overloaded. If this is neglected and it is fluttering, it may be clear from the base of the mount. Even if it is a DSLR group, the story so far is well known that distortion will occur even if it is not clear. From here on, the story is unique to video.

There are two types of supports introduced this time: one that locks with a screw to make it rattling, and one that presses from below with a Y shape.

If it is a normal specification, there is no problem even if it is Y-shaped, but if you own a cine lens at the individual level like the ZEISS cine lens prepared this time. SIGMA, FUJI. There are various.

I bought a cine lens that I chose from among them. Next to.

Do you want follow focus?

It's also an electric focus that is coming out in various cheap and good things these days ... I attach this to the rod. There is a calibration in the electric focus. The action of checking that the range from here to here is within the range of movement. This operation, of course, moves the gear electrically, but this is quite powerful. If you don't have a decent lens support, the gears won't mesh, and when you go beyond infinity, the gears will bite each other sweetly, and it will make a terrifying sound that you can't think of in the world anymore.

There is a sound that cannot be heard from the lens that I bought by hitting a large piece.


It can be said that it is a necessary item to fix the distance between the rod and the lens and proceed with various on-site preparations smoothly, including the meaning of preventing idling! Wife! how is it? Why don't you add one to tonight's side dish!

Is this column next?

1st Lens Support Edition ①

1st Lens Support Edition ②

1st Lens Support Edition ③

Riglens new corner Yusuke Tamura