Don't stop Windows 10 touch keyboard & handwriting input service! -Microsoft calls attention

Don't stop Windows 10 touch keyboard & handwriting input service! -Microsoft calls attention

  • By
  • 07/04/2022

"Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service"

Windows 10のタッチキーボード&手書き入力サービスは止めないで! ~マイクロソフトが注意喚起

The development team of "Windows 10" is working on improving the product based on the feedback received from SNS such as "Feedback Hub", "Microsoft Support", "Twitter", etc., but Japanese input (IME) ) Has been reported by several users who have disabled a service called the "Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service." The official blog "Windows Blog for Japan" released on the 19th of Japan time calls for not disabling the service.

"Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service" is one of the programs (services) running in the background, and as the name suggests, it manages the touch keyboard and handwriting input panel. However, in recent "Windows 10", its role has increased, and it is said that it is widely used for input-related functions such as Japanese input, clipboard history, pictogram panel, and voice input. Therefore, disabling this service for the simple reason that you don't need a touch keyboard can have various side effects.

According to the development team, it is not recommended to disable the service at your own discretion for the following reasons. It's safe to avoid it unless instructed by Microsoft support or the device manufacturer.

If you don't need a touch keyboard, it is recommended that you disable it in the following ways: