At home, cafe, office.Now that the way of working changes, it is more comfortable with a high -end tablet

At home, cafe, office.Now that the way of working changes, it is more comfortable with a high -end tablet

  • By
  • 14/08/2022

Huawei MatePad Pro

The Corona Shock promoted the spread of teleworks at once.As more and more companies have declared this new way of working style, the flow to the change that has begun to move will not stop.In the future, it will work lightly not only in the office or at home, but also in a co -working space, in a cafe or in a rural area.Such a work style should be commonplace.

しかしながら、ビジネス作業用のデバイスが重い、大きくて持ち運びにくい、充電がもたないなど、新しい働き方には、それに伴う悩みがある。ここではより快適に働くためにそんな悩みの解決策の一つとして、軽くて持ち運びやすく、高負荷の作業も可能なプロセッサが搭載されているハイエンドタブレット「Huawei MatePad Pro」の実力を検証したい。

I want to work hard to get involved in multiple projects

Call the app from the floating menu that can be pulled out from the left and right of the screen, and use up to three screens of two screens + floating screen.You can add your favorite app to the floating menu.

新たな働き方に合わせ、仕事に使うデバイスの選び方も変わってくるだろう。求められるのは、どこでもすぐに仕事に取り組める機動力。ファーウェイの「Huawei MatePad Pro」は、まさにそんな機動力を追求したタブレット端末だ。

In this era when speed is required above all, it is natural that multiple projects progress simultaneously.Recently, there are many companies that allow side jobs, and there are cases where main business and side jobs are parallel.In other words, multitasking is essential in a new way of working.

「Huawei MatePad Pro」ではブラウザで情報をチェックしつつメモをとる。メモをもとにメールを作成する。アルバムから写真をドラッグ&ドロップでメールに添付する……など、マルチタスクに対応。作業中の画面を手で動かすのはもちろん、キーボードやスタイラスペンにも対応しているので多角的な作業ができ、使いこなせば使いこなすほど生産性の高い作業が可能だ。

電源オンですぐ使えるのはスマートフォンやタブレットでは当たり前だが、「Huawei MatePad Pro」はさらに効率的な作業を実現。ベゼル幅(液晶ディスプレーの外側の枠)を狭めて画面の広さとコンパクトさを両立した、画面占有率約90%、高精細な10.The 8 -inch WQXGA (2560 x 1600) display can display two screens, three screens, and multiple apps at the same time.

About 10.A multitasking that makes use of the 8 -inch large screen is possible (Huawei multi -window).It is also easy to use, such as prevention of detection at the time of hold.

There are many exchange of Office files, so I want to use tablets

You can create, edit, and save Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files in the Office compatible app "WPS Office".

Officeファイルが扱えることも、仕事に使うデバイスにはもちろん欠かせない条件のひとつ。PCと同様の作業が、より機動力の高いタブレットでできれば大きな武器になるだろう。「Huawei MatePad Pro」はOffice互換アプリの「WPS Office」をプリインストールするほか、専用のアプリストアから「Microsoft Office」も入手可能。使用頻度の高いOfficeファイルを、PCとほぼ同様に扱える。

なお「Huawei MatePad Pro」は、アプリプラットフォームに独自のHMS(Huawei Mobile Services)を採用。Googleのアプリがプリインストールされていないほか、新たなアプリを追加する際は「Google Play Store」ではなく、「HUAWEI AppGallery」(※)を利用する。「HUAWEI AppGallery」はまだ新しいアプリストアで、10年のアドバンテージがある「Google Play Store」に比べるとまだ利用できるアプリは少ない。一方で日々新しいアプリが追加されていて、「Microsoft Office」のほか「NAVITIME」「LINE」といったアプリも入手可能となっている。また、プリインストールのメールアプリにGmailを連携させることも可能でブラウザからGoogleマップも見ることができるため、ビジネス的な使い方において不便を感じることは少ないだろう。

* Huawei Appgallery, Appgallery, Huawei Technologies Co., LTD.It is a registered trademark or trademark in each country.

Bringstalled the necessary applications in the office compatible application "WPS Office".High performance supports app operation.

There are many video conferences a day.I want to have a vite meeting smoothly

By combining "PC mode" with "HUAWEI Smart Wireless Keyboard", it can be used closer to a PC.The stand can be adjusted to two stages.

The new work style is indispensable for using various cloud services such as video conferences, chat and storage.Many of these services operate on the browser, but in many cases, smartphones and tablets require dedicated apps.

「Huawei MatePad Pro」は、OSにAndroid 10ベースの独自OS「EMUI 10」を採用し、ワンタップで「PCモード」に切り替えることができる。「PCモード」では、デスクトップなどPCに近いUIが利用可能。さらにビデオ会議などをPCと同様にブラウザから利用することができる。

ビデオ会議の快適さは通信環境に加えて、使用デバイスの性能にも大きく左右される、「Huawei MatePad Pro」はCPUに同社のフラッグシップスマートフォンと同じ、「HUAWEI Kirin 990 オクタコア」を搭載。高速処理でストレスのないビデオ会議を実現する。さらに約1300万画素のメインカメラ、約800万画素のインカメラを使って、高画質な映像配信を実現。


In addition to built -in microphones, including noise canceling, it also has four speakers by HARMAN KARDON tuning.Not only the video but also the sound can be delivered clearly and you can listen.

Equipped with 5 microphones and rich audio systems and bright and high -definition cameras.In addition, telephone and messages can be used by smartphone cooperation.It is also attractive that it has a PC mode that can be used for PC -like with one touch.

I want to be able to see ideas and meetings at any time

"Huawei M-Pencil" can be attached with a magnet and can be charged wirelessly during attachment.

一般にスマートフォンやタブレットはPCのような入力作業には向かないが、「Huawei MatePad Pro」では別売の「HUAWEIスマートワイヤレスキーボード」を使用することで、長時間入力も苦にならない。前述の「PCモード」にこのキーボードカバーを組み合わせれば、PCとほぼ同様の使い方が可能になる。

If you touch the screen with a pen, the handwritten memo app will be launched directly from the sleep state.You can write a note immediately.

On the other hand, the handwritten memo function that can be said to be unique to a tablet is also enhanced.If you have an optional "Huawei M-Pencil", you can start a memo app immediately from the sleep screen.For example, when you use a keyboard to take text memos during a meeting, you can quickly switch to handwritten notes when showing the inspired idea in the figure.

If you use the pre -installed "NEBO for Huawei" app, you can easily convert handwriting memos.The keyboard & pen, and the camera can be recorded quickly and flexibly.

The strength is that you can use it as soon as you think.The HuaeWei MatePad series uses an separately sold Huawei M-PENCIL that can be noted and input, and a notepad of the application pre-installed by touching the pen from the screen off is launched.Handwritten app NEBO for Huawei is also useful.It is also possible to input for a long time with a smart wireless keyboard.

The place to work is not limited to offices or homes.I want to make my work tool lighter

In addition to supporting wireless charging and quick charging, wireless power to smartphones is also possible.You don't have to carry a mobile battery.

場所に縛られない新しい働き方では、フットワークの軽さも大切だ。タブレットとPCの一台二役に加え、充実の機能を備えた「Huawei MatePad Pro」があれば、他の仕事道具もミニマムにできる。

For example, a large -capacity battery of about 7250mAh supports about 12 hours of video playback ( *).In addition to carrying AC power and mobile batteries, wireless charging is possible in addition to being able to use it all day.

Equipment that supports wireless charging, such as smartphones, also has a function that can supply power.In other words, you don't need to carry a mobile battery or charging cable for smartphones.

* When the video playback time is played with a 1080p video on a tablet alone (based on the Test results of Huaweirabo).

It's light, driven for a long time.It also has a wireless charge function for smartphones and does not require a mobile battery.

Travel time and off -time are important input time.I want to use it effectively

Of course, it is a tablet that is easier to take out than a PC, so you can work while moving from the workspace to the workspace.It can also be used for various inputs, such as watching videos on a display that covers the color range of the digital cinema standard, and reading e -books in blue light cut mode.

EBOOK mode that is easy to read, a display that can express the color gamut at the movie level.

I want to use it seamlessly without having two smartphones and tablets

Furthermore, when combined with a Huawei smartphone, the "Huawei Share Multi -Screen Collaboration" that allows the smartphone screen to be displayed on a tablet ( * This function is EMUI10 or more and only smartphones equipped with Huawei Kirin 980 or more are supported.)You can easily copy and paste photos taken with your smartphone on a slide on the tablet, or call or receive a smartphone projected on a tablet.It is also possible to edit slides on the screen and Word while receiving a phone call.

タブレットならではの手書き入力や抜群の機動力に加え、PCのようなキーボード入力やマルチタスクにも対応。かつビデオ会議が快適に使える機能とスペックを備え、スマートフォンとの組み合わせでさらに効率的な作業を実現する「Huawei MatePad Pro」は、まさに新しい働き方にマッチするスピードと柔軟性を備えたデバイスと言える。

Huawei Share multi -screen collaboration allows you to receive a smartphone call with a tablet or copy and paste photos and notes taken with your smartphone to the tablet.

In addition, Huawei is a tablet of the same series, which is not compatible with keyboard cover but also has an LTE compatible model, and a compact model "Huawei MatePad T 8" with a handy price of about 8 inches.I have a lineup.

Both can be used for business scenes, as well as easily switching to kids mode for children, and has a lot of useful functions in private.The best partner of the Wizkorona era is enough.

Provided: Huawei

Huawei is holding a SUMMER campaign between June 12, 2020 and July 31, 2020.If you purchase and apply for the target Huawey product during the campaign period, you will win a Huawei product or a JCB gift certificate of 5,000 yen by lottery.For more information, please check the campaign.

[Purchase period] June 12, 2020 -July 31, 2020

[Application period] June 19th to August 14, 2020

[Purchased products and gifts]

このほかにも、2020年6月12日から2020年9月30日の間に「HUAWEI P40 Pro 5G」「Huawei MatePad Pro」「HUAWEI MatePad」を購入し、「HUAWEI AppGallery」から取得したU-NEXTのアプリ経由で応募した先着3000名(新規登録者限定)に、U-NEXT最大6カ月見放題キャンペーンも実施中。

◼️「Huawei MatePad Pro」について詳しくはこちら。

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