ASCII startup Korona A pitch where food tech services that support the changing social structure are gathered

ASCII startup Korona A pitch where food tech services that support the changing social structure are gathered

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  • 01/04/2022

The "14th Startup Solution Introduction Event" was held on July 28, when the TIS Incubation Center gathered the startup companies that are currently attracting attention and introduced their technologies, products and services. The event was held online following March, with a pitch of five fast-growing startups with a large number of participants. Here, we will introduce an overview of them and an overview of the company's 5G-related business by TIS Co., Ltd.

App Annie Japan App Annie Japan Co., Ltd., which provides market data that serves as a chart for the mobile app business.

App Annie Japan is a company that provides viewership data on TV or indicators such as page views on the web to companies doing business in the area of ​​mobile apps. With more than 1 million app data in more than 175 countries around the world, it can be said to be the world's largest mobile data vendor in this field.

App Annie Japan Senior Account Executive Koichi Esoe

The data acquired by the company is mainly used for five purposes. First of all, it is used as a material for considering strategic planning and operational improvement of the company's own application that is developing business in the mobile field. Next, market data that serves as basic information for planning and execution of new businesses and services. Recently, it is being used as a clue for sales planning and partnership building, and it is being used more and more in industries that have not been focusing on mobile apps. And, of course, it is used as an index for overseas expansion and domestic introduction, or as basic data for medium-term management plans.

It is said that about 100 apps are installed on average in smartphones used in Japan. However, about 30% of them are used by smartphone users, and about 10% are used on a daily basis. In other words, if you do not enter the top 1 or 2 in at least each field, it will not be visible to the user.

Therefore, it is necessary to know what kind of competition exists and how it is used in the activity scene of the user's day (user journey). Then, we must strategically consider when and how to use our application, and what functions and interfaces are required for that purpose. App Annie Japan's market data can be used to get hints on important features and interfaces from comparisons with competitors.

It is a well-known fact that demand for nesting is increasing due to the Korona-ka, but on the other hand, non-game apps such as books and streaming are growing rapidly, for example, TikTok has already exceeded LINE and Twitter in monthly consumption time. It has been done. Many of you may have seen the videos posted by athletes gathering at the Tokyo Olympics, which were posted on TikTok instead of Youtube.

Data-based decision making is the key to survival and further growth in this rapidly changing mobile market. When a measure fails, even if you try to find out the cause and correct the direction, it takes too much time in a business style that relies on conventional experience and intuition. If you make a plan based on the correct data, the cause of the failure can be clarified by verifying the data. App Annie Japan's data will be a signpost for companies that are already doing business in the mobile app industry and those who are about to embark on it. Click here for inquiries.

SandBox Inc. Supports consumer goods manufacturers with AI models that utilize the knowledge of brain science SandBox Inc.

In recent years, Braintech, which combines the knowledge and technology gained in brain science, has begun to attract attention. SandBox has been paying attention to this field from early on, providing a service "Know Me Map" for food and consumer goods manufacturers. This is an AI model that infers a person's line of sight and possibility, and uses the mechanism by which humans perceive brightness and hue from the eyes to the brain, and what happens when humans see it from videos and still images? It is a service that predicts whether it is easy to pay attention to the place.

SandBox CEO Akito Kikuchi

In the consumer goods market, most of the consumer data is held by the storefront, and it is difficult for manufacturers to get that information. Or the collection cost is very high. For this reason, when deciding on a new product concept or package, the current situation is that we often rely on analog methods such as experience and feelings. However, this makes it difficult to verify when the results are disappointing, and it takes time and cost to conduct a preliminary survey through questionnaires and interviews.

"Know Me Map" uploads product packages, advertising leaflets, product shelves, etc. as videos / still images, evaluates them based on an AI model that estimates people's eyes and emotions, and places them to pay attention to. Determine if the attention is correct. Whether or not the manufacturer's intention is correctly conveyed to those who need it can be immediately determined at a glance, and the process of improving products and display methods can be speeded up.

For example, in the case of cosmetics leaflets, using the "Know Me Map" was effective in reducing the man-hours of call centers. This was because the product name was not conspicuous in the advertising leaflets before the introduction of "Know Me Map", or the detailed ingredient contents were noticed and the effect was not fully communicated. After receiving an evaluation from the "Know Me Map", improvements were made, and the result was that the burden on the call center was greatly reduced.

Also, when I applied "Know Me Map" to the thumbnails of Youtube and corrected it so that more easy-to-understand words attracted attention, the click rate improved by about 20%. It is one of the cases where it was effective to utilize the AI ​​model based on Braintech instead of relying only on the personal feeling of the person in charge.

The "Know Me Map" has been applied to forecast consumer behavior and sensibilities so far, but in the future, it wants to expand to forecast demand for products and services. In addition, it will seek to expand to automatic design generation and feedback proposals. I look forward to the future of SandBox as a lead runner for Plaintech.

LOOVICLOOVIC Co., Ltd., a smart navigator that does not look at the smartphone screen

LOOVIC CEO Mr. Takashi Yamanaka

One of the most influential apps that has helped spread smartphones is the map app. In addition to displaying the route on the screen, it is also possible to provide voice guidance, and many people would no longer carry a printout with them when they went out after printing a map a long time ago.

But even such a useful application isn't really useful for everyone. People with impaired visuospatial cognition have problems in recognizing objects and manipulating tools in 2 / 3D space, even though they have no problems with their eyesight. Will be very difficult to reach.

LOOVIC's smart guide service "LOOVIC" is a support tool that enables such people to move safely and securely in the city. By linking the bracelet-type device with the map app, it guides the user to the destination without having to look at the screen of the smartphone. "Walking while looking at a smartphone" is the cause of many collision accidents, but "LOOVIC" that does not require you to take your eyes off the surrounding scenery can reduce such accidents.

ASCIIスタートアップ コロナ禍で変わる社会構造を支えるフードテックサービスが集結したピッチ

Currently, the prototype of the bracelet-type experience guidance device has been completed, and we are working on creating a navigation function linked with the map application. The service is scheduled to be launched in 2022. This service is expected to be used as SaaS by linking / incorporating with other companies' services. After the service is in, other companies will sell devices other than bracelet type.

The revenue model is not limited to selling devices, but mainly gains from the content developed in the 3D space that is navigated by it. For example, it is envisioned not only to guide customers to indoor and outdoor stores, but also to control the flow of people in the event of a disaster or sightseeing, and to navigate to people who have problems communicating in language, such as the elderly and foreigners.

"LOOVIC" is a service that fills the pitfalls of smartphones, which are regarded as convenient IT tools for everyone. This may be the beginning of the "next to smartphones" that will come someday.

Gigi Co., Ltd., a service that supports stores, communities, and society

The service "Gochimeshi" developed by Gigi originates from the service originally provided by Obihiro's set meal restaurant "Yui". This means that customers who come to the store can pay extra meals for junior and senior high school students in the area, and young people who come to the store later can eat for free. "Gochimeshi" is a service that uses this mechanism as a service, and uses basic functions to develop a total of four services, "Sakimeshi," "Bizumeshi," and "Kodomo Shokudo."

Gigi Chief Bizdev Officer Takashi Sugiyama

The basic service structure is a model in which "people who want to eat" pay for food and drink on behalf of "people who want to eat". The company has a system in which a fee for using the service is charged from "people who want to eat", and there is no fee on the restaurant side. Since no special hardware is required, restaurants can introduce the service with almost no burden.

"Gochimeshi" is like a gift certificate for a restaurant in the town, and the giver purchases the menu normally offered at the restaurant as a digital ticket and sends it to the person who wants to give it. The recipient will be offered a menu by showing the digital ticket at the store. "Sakimeshi" was born by utilizing the "Gochimeshi" mechanism as a mechanism to support restaurants in Korona-ka. By paying your own meals in advance, you can fund the opening of restaurants that are difficult to raise funds for the time being. It becomes the source.

"Bizumeshi" is a service that turns restaurants into employee cafeterias, and even companies that do not have company food facilities can eat 16,000 stores nationwide that have introduced Gigi's services, both around offices and in remote work areas. Can be used as. It can be used in various forms according to the company, such as being able to use up to 10,000 yen a month and using 10 tickets for 1000 yen each.

"Kodomo Shokudo" is a service that can be said to be the origin of the "Bizumeshi" service. Supporters pay meals and fees, and local governments use them as financial resources to support children's meals at local restaurants. It is a service that can be operated as part of measures from local governments to eliminate the declining birthrate.

Although the service model that is the core of "Gochimeshi" is simple, it is a business model that can be used in a very wide range of situations. The company also plans to raise funds equivalent to Series B, as it wants to actively promote overseas expansion. Keep an eye on future trends.

Web conferencing DX conversion tool "ZMEETING" created by voice recognition technology Hmcomm Co., Ltd.

Hmcomm is AIST's first AI startup and is developing a business specializing in the voice field. Its mission is to "democratize voice recognition and create a new keyboardless society by itself", and the online conference automatic text conversion tool "ZMEETING" introduced this time is also a conference recording / recording for creating minutes. It is a service that eliminates the need for transcription work.

Hmcomm CEO Koji Mimoto

Hmcomm Senior Manager Nobuo Kawai

When launched at the same time as a web conferencing system such as Zoom or Teams, the remarks of the conference participants are converted into text on the spot. Since the name of the speaker is also added, it is very useful for improving the efficiency of minutes preparation. Text data can be modified / added on the spot, and there is also a function to attach an important flag to the statement for later summarization.

In addition to Japanese, it also supports English, Chinese, and Korean, and can translate each other in real time. It can be used not only as a tool for creating minutes but also as a tool for activating communication with overseas bases. Of course, you will be able to hold web conferences with deaf users. So to speak, it can be said to be a DX conversion tool for web conferencing.

There are three types of license plans for ZMEETING, depending on the number of hours of the web conference: S plan with 120 hours per year, M plan with 360 hours per year, and L plan with 600 hours per year. When using the multilingual translation function, by charging the M plan or L plan as an option, multilingual translation is possible for all the voice recognition time in the plan. The minimum number of purchases is 3 licenses.

As remote work became commonplace due to the Korona-ka, web conferencing has also become an inevitable and essential tool. However, at the same time, it may cause communication failure between employees. It may be an essential requirement of the with corona society to use tools such as ZMEETING to improve work efficiency and use the time born there as a resource to fill lost face-to-face communication. not.

New business development utilizing 5G promoted by TIS

Following the pitch of the five startups, TIS introduced the outline of new business development utilizing 5G promoted by the company. The pillar of TIS's 5G-related business is the local 5G license acquired in April this year. A local 5G base station was set up in the TIS office in Toyosu, and used as a base for verification and business development for social implementation of the latest technology. Similarly, it announced a technical collaboration with Toppan Printing Co., Ltd., which has obtained a local 5G license, and plans to open up new use cases in the future by interconnecting the local 5G environments of both companies.

In July, the "TIS DIGITAL Innovation Center" was opened in TIS's Toyosu office to promote business co-creation utilizing the latest technologies such as 5G / local 5G, AI, and XR. This is a facility that has a showroom and a lab, and is open to companies that want to conduct verification and demonstration experiments of new services and new technologies.

As of July 28, four contents are exhibited in the showroom as a future concept model in which next-generation communications such as 5G have become widespread. One is a virtual mall where you can experience purchasing in a virtual space by combining 5G and VR technology, the second is an EC purchasing experience in a 360-degree free viewpoint video space by combining 5G and video technology, and the third is By multiplying 5G and IoA (Internet of Abilities), you can get the experience of going to a remote place while staying at home. The fourth is 5G. By combining video analysis with AI and AI, it is a service that allows you to check the analysis results of camera images such as human movement line analysis in real time.

The "TIS DIGITAL Innovation Center" lab provides a verification / development environment using TIS's local 5G environment. At the same time, in addition to being able to use knowledge and know-how on the latest technologies such as TIS AI, robotics, and XR, business matching, consulting, and human resources support programs are also provided, so it is a challenge in new business development. It will be a powerful supporter / consultant for startups who have a problem.

In addition, TIS is the development promoter of the "5G Technology Utilization Development Promotion Project" commonly known as the "Tokyo 5G Boosters Project" promoted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. In this business, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government collaborates with private businesses to promote the creation of innovations and the establishment of new businesses that utilize 5G technology that contributes to the "new daily life" of start-up companies. TIS, which has become a development promoter, will provide financial and technical support for the development and commercialization of products for the adopted startups.

The three themes that are most recently emphasized are the combination of 5G and living, the combination of 5G and entertainment, and the combination of 5G and health. If you are a startup planning to launch a new business in these areas, please contact TIS.

The "Startup Solution Introduction Event" by TIS is scheduled to be held in the future. If you are interested in VCs looking for a vigorous startup, companies looking for a business partner, engineers looking for new ideas, etc., please join us at the next event. The future schedule will be introduced on


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